April 24, 2009

When "Faith" Is Useless

10 Most Important Obama Faith Moments

From expanding the White House's faith-based office to opening his rallies with prayer, Barack Obama has embraced faith in a more visible way than any other president in recent memory. At the same time, Obama's actions on a variety of fronts, from abortion policy to accepting a speaking invitation at Notre Dame—a prestigious Roman Catholic university—have outraged religious conservatives. The confluence of these two phenomena have made for an explosion of "faith moments" in the first 100 days of Obama's presidency. Here are the 10 most important.

1. Rick Warren's Inauguration Day Invocation
2. Granting First TV Interview to Arabic Language Network
3. Reversing Mexico City Policy on Family Planning Providers Abroad
4. Opening Rallies With Prayer
5. Launching White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships
6. Convening a Faith Advisory Council
7. Joe Biden's Receiving Ashes on Ash Wednesday
8. Lifting Restrictions on Federally-Funded Embryonic Stem Cell Research
9. Announcing Plans to Give Notre Dame's Commencement Address
10. Speaking to Muslim World From Turkey

US News & World Report article

Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you? - unless indeed you fail to meet the test!
[2Co 13:5]

1 comment:

Lydia said...

BTW- good comeback on the previous post.