March 25, 2010

Hidden agenda in plain sight

California Asks IRS To Change Tax Code To Accommodate Same-Sex Couples
If the Internal Revenue Service caves to a request from the California Legislature, it could change the tax code for the entire nation. California has issued a joint resolution asking the IRS to defer to state law on how to treat the property belonging to registered domestic partners and same-sex couples. AJR 29 does not have the strength of law, but conveys the Legislature’s opinion. Everett Rice, legislative coordinator with the California Family Council, said such a move by the IRS would set a dangerous precedent. "It’s the stealth way," he said, "of getting around all the states that have said, 'We support marriage between a man and a woman,' and 'Do not redefine it."

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Adoption Agencies May Be Forced To Violate Religious Principles
Rep. Pete Stark, D-Calif., has introduced legislation that would force adoption agencies to consider placing children in same-sex households, even if it violates that group's moral and religious values. The bill (H.R. 4806) forces federally funded agencies to ignore sexual orientation, gender identity or marital status when placing children even though studies show kids do best in homes with a married mother and father.
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Same-sex 'Divorce' Case Dismissed
The Oklahoma Court of Civil Appeals has said "no" to a lesbian divorce. Legal Counsel Tim Tracey of Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) explains that what was at stake in the case was the validity of Oklahoma's marriage law. "If you look at this situation, it's almost absurd," he comments. "What you have here is a fraudulent attempt to try to undermine the marriage amendment of Oklahoma that was passed by 76 percent of the voters. So you have here a same-sex couple that alleged that they were married in Canada, but yet they could never even produce a marriage certificate." The two still sought a divorce by going through the "back door and trying to get an Oklahoma court to recognize it." "[The court] saw this for what it was," Tracy notes. "It was a fraudulent attempt by a same-sex couple to undermine the voice of the people in Oklahoma, and they dismissed it outright. So we think this is the end of the road for that."
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