For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ [2Co 10:3-5 ESV]I believe most "Christians" (even those who are truly saved through repentance and faith in Christ) are totally unaware of what's going on around them in the spiritual realm. A war is going on that few of us seem to be aware of. Unfortunately I think we are so caught up in this world (run by you-know-who) and our five senses that it simply fails to register most of the time. And I speak from a long line of experience, trust me!
Jews in the NT were well accustomed to warfare. From the time they set foot in the Promised Land until the time of Christ, they were intimately familiar with the things of war. The nation of Israel started off by having to fight the pagan armies that surrounded them and later, they had to put up with being the captives of the Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes, Persians, Greeks and in NT times, the Romans. And while, on the surface, they were battles in the physical realm it was simply a facade for what's been going on between Good and evil since the Fall.
Although those of us in the US know little of real war, we as Christians can not afford to be so naive.There's something much larger than ourselves at stake! Two sides are battling for control even though the final outcome is certain. And it's simply not an option to sit on the sidelines or say that you're neutral (not even the Swiss)! If you're not actively maturing in Christ and growing yourself in Holiness with His help, you are unwittingly playing into the hands of His opponent.
The sad realization is that even though some of us are on God's side, we appear as though we are on Satan's. Most of us live such small lives and dream of such paltry things. Those in the church and those who lead it have lost the vision. We have been sucked up by the culture and grown fat, lazy and dumb. We don't know how to defend our faith. We are too timid to give a reason for the hope that is within us. We spend so little time in the Bible that true wisdom eludes us. And because of this we are ill-equipped to "destroy arguments ... raised against the knowledge of God"
We are told to "take every thought captive to obey Christ" yet how are we to do this when we do not have the knowledge of God's truth to do so? We are bit dim bulbs in the darkness when we should be shining as bright beacons, much like the bright lighthouse that warns sailors lost in storms at sea. We are told to renew our minds and that's done by immersing ourselves in the Scriptures so that we can understand what God's will is for our lives; to make ourselves more holy by conforming our thoughts, words and deeds to the will of Christ.
But instead we are immersing ourselves in the things of the world. Is it any wonder why we and the church are so ineffective in today's world? Consider the time you are in the Word, praying over it, meditating on it. How much of each day? Then consider how much time we spend immersed in the things of the world. It sickens me the more I think about how I spend my time.
Whose side are you on? What will you tell your King when you stand before Him and give an account of your life? Will you stand proudly, knowing you did your best thanks to the grace of God? Or will you stand there in regret knowing for all eternity that you lived most days according to your own will and pleasures rather than in the service of the One who bought you with the ultimate price? Is that how much we love Him?
So the time has come to obey our Lord and Savior. Spend time in Scripture. Read it, meditate on it, pray for guidance in using it and then live it out wherever the Lord takes you. Leave an impact on this world that will be felt throughout all time! As John Piper is fond of pointing out, only what's done for Christ will last. Fellow brothers and sisters, we are on the winning side. We need to go out there and live like it! We need to shine as bright lights to point this dark world toward God so that in and through it all He may have the glory. Soli Deo Gloria!
The battle IS raging and most of us don't even know it because we have been so lulled into a false sense of safety. The land of plenty has not been good for us. God, help us to stand up and be your people and push back the darkness. Let it start with the darkness in our own lives.
Good post. Now if more people will only read it, get the message, and surrender their daily lifestyle to it.
Ouch! My toes! You stepped on my toes!!!
Seriously, though...excellent post!
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