August 6, 2008

Grace & Mercy

I continue to be amazed on a daily basis by God's grace and mercy. And I pray that this will always be the case. Two news articles, one yesterday and the other today, got me to thinking about this and, unfortunately, how shallow and caught up in my own world I can get at times. How far I have yet to go in being anything even remotely resembling Christ. And there I am once again, thanking God for His grace and mercy in the form of His patience. I have every reason to be gracious and merciful yet rarely am, yet He always is and has no reason to be toward me, the rebel and sinner.

I see so much brokenness, pain, suffering and misery in the world and I know why because I believe in God's Word and His explanation of the fallen nature of mankind and the universe we inhabit. So much I take for granted and then I read another headline, or hear about family or friends who are going through a trial. It is sad that it takes such things, or even drastic events in our own life, to make us appreciate what He has given us out of His loving kindness and grace. I deserve nothing that I have in life. I deserve the death penalty and eternal punishment for sinning against an eternally holy and righteous God.

But thank GOD for the cross! In what is surely the most miraculous event in history, the God of the universe stuffed Himself into a mortal body and lived as one of us. Knowing full well what awaited Him in persecution and suffering, not only from man but from the Father as well, He came anyway and gave up all He had to redeem us. Why would He do that? I don't think I shall ever know or even understand this either now or in eternity. But I do know it is real, I have experienced it and He has changed me for all time. Thank you, Lord Jesus! I shall never be able to thank You enough.

Thank You for my beautiful wife whose patience and love are only second to Your own. Her love for You makes we want to be a better husband, father, friend and servant. Thank You for my precious children who invoke in me feelings and wishes for them I had never thought could be possible. May the day come soon when they will repent and trust in You so that they may know the blessings and assurance that only You can give. Thank You for godly in-laws who have given me great encouragement over the years with their service in Your honor. May they continue to be a beacon of light and hope serving You by serving others.

Thank You for my church home that has, even after a short time, already provided me with an abundance of blessings. May I never hesitate in giving back to them that which I have to give (which, again, is all thanks to You). Thank You for the many brothers and sisters in Christ I have been blessed with throughout the years, who have helped me see You in different ways and stretched me to see more of You and life than my own myopic viewpoints. The list, it seems, could go on forever. One day it will, when we stand before Him in the bliss of His presence and enjoy Him forever.Everything old will truly pass away and this life, the blink of an eye it is, will seem so pale in comparison to His glory in person and the rewards He will bestow upon us.

If you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, please, take a few minutes to get alone before Him and truly meditate on Him and all He has done for you over the years. Confess all of your sins no matter how new or old, let the blood of Christ cleanse you of all unrighteousness, enjoy the forgiveness that only He can grant and then spend time before Him in thankful prayer. Lift Him up in gracious adoration, thank Him for all that He is, all He has done for You and tell Him how much you look forward to being in His presence one day; even if you are like me and have a hard time of understanding exactly what that will be like. But it WILL be good and glorious because that is all that He is. It is all He has ever been and ever will be.

Soli Deo Gloria! To God alone be all glory, honor and praise. Forever and ever.

Chick-fil-A Owner Doesn't Press Charges
(Be truthful, could you be this gracious and merciful?)

Should You Pass On Bad Reports?
(Talk about shining the light of conviction into the depths of your soul!)


Lydia said...

Well, now I'm all choked up...good post, Babe! I HOPE I could be as gracious, won't know until I have the chance to prove it.

kareng said...

I think I would have wanted to supply the Book! Cathey has a consistent track as he walks His path with the Lord. He autobiography is a good one.

Amen, and Amen Rich!
Great seeing you the other day.

Anonymous said...

um..excuse me. Who gave you that
C3PO cookie jar? Where are my thanks for that act of selflessness?